Work Package 1a – Realist Review
Led by Dr Wong
What’s our research question?
1. How do clinicians in primary care diagnose and manage sleep disturbances for people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment living in the community?
2. When are certain management strategies used, why, by and for whom, and to what extent?
3. How do people living with dementia and informal family carers inform or influence the diagnosis and management of sleep disturbances by clinicians in primary care?
How will we do this?
We will search the current literature (i.e. published articles, books or websites) to better understand sleep management in the community. We will gather information on sleep assessments and the interventions which are available. We will try to understand what works and what doesn’t work for different people.
Successful outcomes
We will develop something called a programme theory, which will try to explain how and why sleep assessments and interventions work. We will use our findings and learning to help us in Work Package 2, where we will start to create the TIMES sleep intervention.