What is Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)?

PPI in research is about establishing active partnerships between people with lived experience and researchers. Involvement in research means considering what research is to be done, how it will be done, how participants will be recruited and how the results may be used.

How will TIMES use PPI throughout our research?

We have a Lived Experience Advisory Forum on Sleep (LEAFS), which consists of individuals living with dementia or MCI, as well as people who have experience caring for people with dementia or MCI. Our members are involved in many aspects of the research, including supporting governance, decision-making, intervention design and implementation, training, analysis and dissemination.

TIDE, DEEP, iD and the Alzheimer’s Society support the LEAFS and the TIMES Research Team.

We also have a Chinese community advisory panel, and Chinese Wellbeing facilitate this ongoing work.

Who is our PPI Lead?

“I was diagnosed with mixed dementia in 2014, aged 64. Since then, I have worked with Dementia UK and Innovations in Dementia (including the DEEP network), and indeed with my own local commissioners and Trusts, to improve the support and care for people living with dementia.

Before COVID I developed six DEEP groups in Shropshire, and I now facilitate a weekly zoom meeting.

I am Co-Chair of the Dementia UK ‘Lived Experience Advisory Panel’ (LEAP) and work to increase the availability of Admiral Nurse services across the country. I am setting up a dozen peer groups in the DEEP network in Shropshire, and I am a diarist in the Dementia Diaries Project.

I blog about Living as I Choose with Dementia.

PPI Newsletter ISSUE 5

 This newsletter contains the latest updates for the TIMES project. TIMES is a series of research packages exploring sleep disturbance for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment, and ways to improve its assessment, treatment, and management in the community. 

TIMES would like to thank everyone who has been involved this year, and we wish you all the best over the Christmas period. 

Please contact Jess on jessica.a.blake@uea.ac.uk with any feedback or questions. 


PPI Newsletter ISSUE 4

 This newsletter contains the latest project updates for the TIMES project. TIMES is exploring approaches to sleep disturbances for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment, and ways to improve its assessment, treatment, and management in the community. 

Please contact Jess on jessica.a.blake@uea.ac.uk with any feedback or questions. 


PPI Newsletter ISSUE 3

Thank you for your interest in the TIMES research project, which is exploring approaches to sleep disturbances for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and ways to improve its assessment, treatment, and management in the community. This newsletter contains the latest project updates. 

Please contact Jess on jessica.a.blake@uea.ac.uk for any feedback, comments or questions. 


PPI Newsletter ISSUE 2

Thank you for your interest in the TIMES research project, which is exploring approaches to sleep disturbances for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and ways to improve its assessment, treatment, and management in the community. This newsletter contains the latest project updates.

 Please contact Jess on jessica.a.blake@uea.ac.uk for any feedback, comments or questions. 


PPI Newsletter ISSUE 1

Thank you for your interest in the TIMES research project. We are researching into sleep disturbances for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment. We want to find ways to improve assessment, treatment, and management in the community. This newsletter contains the latest project updates. 

Please email us on TIMES@exeter.ac.uk if you have any feedback, comments or questions. 


Research Partners